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!The presentation the registrations’ guests  may download  !

The table for diagnostic
and forecasting of the development of Technical system.


Nelly Kozyreva, Belarus-TRIZ

Thesises of the report  ETRIA World conference "TRIZ FUTURE 2002 ", Strasbourg, 6-8 November, 2002.



The known theorists of TRIZ – G. Altshuller, B. Zlotin, Yu. Salamatov, V. Petrov - offer the versions of the laws of technical system evolution [1-4]. The important task for the teacher of TRIZ is training the students to various variants of the laws, lines of development and forecasting of development  systems. For the presentation of training we develop the table. It is overlapping of a structural matrix and circuit of laws of technical system evolution [5, 6]. It allows to systematize in one visually foreseeable document set of all technical decisions of a system used Altshuller’s Inventive Principles, to diagnose a stage of development of a system and it  subsystems, to predict their further evolution on a basis of TRIZ and to carry out a training.


Presentations for reports | Просмотров: 1072 | Загрузок: 38 | Добавил: kozyreva | Дата: 23.05.2009 | Комментарии (2)

!The presentation this article the registrations’ guests may download

Training technique of  TRIZ elements

with the help of a toy "Bob of toy" (Webbles)


Nelly Kozyreva, Belarus-TRIZ

Thesises of the report  ETRIA World conference "TRIZ FUTURE 2002 ", Strasbourg, 6-8 November, 2002.



One of basic elements TRIZ are the laws of technical system evolution and Altshuller’s Inventive Principles [1]. In the TRIZ-literature each Inventive Principle and the law is illustrated by examples from different areas of engineering. The training takes place on a verbal channel of perception, with a support of abstract thinking (the student should present a situation, stated to the teacher, and then "to see" in it model of a task, contradiction and way of its elimination with the help of Inventive Principle. Such technique is designed for a wide technical outlook and high level of abstract thinking of the students.

In this work the new technique of training is offered. Its differences are described:  read...

Presentations for reports | Просмотров: 1057 | Загрузок: 50 | Добавил: kozyreva | Дата: 23.05.2009 | Комментарии (0)

!The presentation for the article  the registrations’ guests may download

1)The Webbles teaches ... to invent! Or How to develop one’s creativity

(http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-9, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-1-0-88)

2) Training technique of  TRIZ elements with the help of a toy "Bob of toy" (Webbles)
 «Teach the tilting dolls to bow» is the  interactive teaching computer game on basis of TRIZ-methodic.

To make the method more apprehensible and popular, the interactive game "Teach the Doll Bowing” is being developed. The structure and contents of game is developed, the prototype is made. It demonstrates the basic idea and some game opportunities, enables to operate behaviour of a toy of "sample". Besides Nelly Kozyreva, who is the author of this method and the main ideologist of the project, the team of developers includes Elena Novitskaya, designer, organizer of the project and the author of the game structure and doll appearances; Nikolay Shpakovsky, TRIZ consultant and project organizer; Andrey Mitasov, programmer, doll-animator and author of the main game concept - "teaching through teaching” (co-author of  Tatyana Mitasova) [8].

The user:  the child from 7 till 12 years, is independent or with the help adult (parent, teacher).


The purposes:

1) To acquaint the child with invention principles

2) To enable to apply receptions in practice

The additional purposes:

1) To acquaint with some physical phenomena and laws,

2) To acquaint with the tendencies of development of technical systems.


Presentations for reports | Просмотров: 1614 | Загрузок: 47 | Добавил: kozyreva | Дата: 23.05.2009 | Комментарии (0)

!The presentation  see...»
 The Project: World permanent exhibition - museum of toys – inventions (L'exposition mondiale fonctionnant constamment – musée des jouets - des inventions)
It is offered to develop and realize the Project: Creation of the Center of training of children to creativity: the Exhibition - museum of the patented toys.

The purpose of an exhibition - to collect all when or the toys patented in the world (the toy on which the patent for the invention is received, admits novelty having to the maximum world level and originality) and to train children and adults on the basis of toys - inventions:

- To use creative receptions (tools of TRIZ) for inventing new ideas in technical and literary areas of creativity;

- To skills of realization of the ideas, their embodiments during a life.

Such exhibition can be created in parks of entertainments - for example, the Disneyland, Aqua parks, Futuroskope... At mass training children and their parents to receptions of creativity, inventions (TRIZ) and to realize of the toys thought up by them (and fairy tales, a fantasy), achievement of system effect is possible: education of generation of the initiative and creative youth capable independently to solve creative problems.

The mottos of the Exhibition:

"Everything, that there is - only small part possible";

"That there is, not necessarily best of possible";

"You too CAN think up a new toy!"


read ...


Presentations for reports | Просмотров: 1968 | Загрузок: 72 | Добавил: kozyreva | Дата: 23.05.2009 | Комментарии (0)

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