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12.12.2011, 21:17

Sokol A. (Александр Сокол), Латвия, Рига, Doctor of Educational Sciences

Автор методики изучения иностранных языков на основе ТРИЗ (The thinking-approach method – «мыслительный подход в изучении иностранных языков») для детей от 3-х лет, школьников, студентов (русский как иностранный, английский, немецкий, французский, китайский языки).

Разработчик среды для дистанционного обучения www.thinking-approach.eu.

Руководитель трёх международных проектов, направленных на интеграцию развития мышления в процесс обучения языкам (поддерживаются European Commission и Nordic Council of Europe).


В рамках ТА подхода разработано 5 технологий:

- технология самообучения - http://www.thinking-approach.org/index.php?id=14

- технология работы с текстами - http://www.thinking-approach.org/index.php?id=15

- технология творческой грамматики - http://www.thinking-approach.org/index.php?id=10

- да-нет технология (на основе разработок N.Khomenko) - http://www.thinking-approach.org/index.php?id=16

- технология исследования - http://www.thinking-approach.org/index.php?id=13


Информацию о проектах A.Sokol можно посмотреть на сайтах:


www.thinking-approach.org (for teachers)
www.thinking-approach.eu (for learners)
http://www.thinking-approach.org/index.php?id=2913 (residential courses)
www.youtube.com/thinkingapproach (TA Youtube Channel)


Резюме A.Sokol можно посмотреть по ссылке  http://www.thinking-approach.org/download/cv_as.pdf



сайт www.ta-group.eu


Sokol, A. (2008) Development of Inventive Thinking in Language Education. Unpublished PhD Thesis. University of Strasbourg and the University of Latvia. Available at: http://jlproj.org/new/index_.php?p=3&u=577

Sokol, A. The Self-Study Technology of the Thinking Approach to language teaching and learning. Available at: http://www.thinking-approach.org/index.php?id=14
Sokol, A., Lasevich, E., Dobrovolska-Stoian, M. The Text Technology of the Thinking Approach to language teaching and learning. Available at:
Sokol, A., Lasevich, E., Buchinska, I. The Creative Grammar Technology of the Thinking Approach to language teaching and learning. Available at:
Sokol, A., Khomenko N. The Yes-No Technology of the Thinking Approach to language teaching and learning. Available at:
Sokol, A., Lasevich, E. The Research Technology of the Thinking Approach to language teaching and learning. Available at:

A.Sokol, R.Jonina, E.Lasevich, M. Dobrovolska-Stoian (accepted). Development of Inventive Thinking. A medium-size entry in the Encyclopeadia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Enterpreneurship [Elias G. Carayannis, ed.], Springer 2012.


A.Sokol, E.Lasevich, R.Jonina, M.Dobrovolska-Stoian (accepted). A thinking based blended learning course in an upper-secondary school in Latvia. To be published in 'Blended learning course design in ELT', British Council, London 2012.


A.Sokol (submitted). A thinking path for a language teacher. 10 pages. A draft available at http://www.thinking-approach.org/index.php?id=2722


A.Sokol, E.Lasevich, M.Dobrovolska (2009). Three games to exercise the brain. TESOL Classroom Practice Series. Language Games volume. In Maureen Snow Andrade (Ed.). Language Games: Innovative Activities for Teaching English. TESOL Classroom Practice Series. Pp. 265-276.


A.Sokol, D.Oget, M.Sonntag, N.Khomenko. (2008) The development of inventive thinking skills in the upper secondary language classroom. Thinking Skills and Creativity. Vol.3. Issue 1. pp. 34-46. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.tsc.2008.03.001.


Cascini G., Jantschgi J., Khomenko N., Murashkovska I., Sokol A., Tomasi F.: "TETRIS: Teaching TRIZ at School - Meeting the educational requirements of heterogeneous curricula”, Proceedings of the 8th ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference, Twente, The Netherlands, November 5-7, 2008.


A.Sokol (2007). Creative Tasks to Texts – Algorithmic Approach. Proceedings of an international conference "Innovations in language teaching and learning in the intercultural context”, Riga, 15-16 June 2007, pp 262-273, ISBN 9984-712-78-8.


A.Sokol (2005). Creatively proGRAMMARed. Folio – MATSDA magazine. Folio 9/2 Supplement – Professional Journal of Materials Development Association (MATSDA).


A.Sokol (2004). Texts teaching to think – what, why and how.  Pulverness, Alan (Ed.) IATEFL 2004 Liverpool Conference Selections, IATEFL 2004, pp. 23 – 25, ISBN 1 901095 26 6.


A.Sokol (2003). The Use of the Thinking Approach to Develop Creative Individuality of Students when Learning English. Published in: Creative Individuality, Collection of Scientific Papers, Riga, Raka, 2002-2003,   pp 191-196, ISBN 9984-15-501-3.


A.Sokol, M.Dobrovolska, J.Galpern, E.Lasevich (2002). The Thinking Approach as a Tool for the Resolution of the Key Contradictions of Language Learning and Education. Studies about Language, No.3, 2002, p.92 - 97.   ISSN: 1648-2824


A. Sokol (2008). 10 Questions for Organising Effective Reflections of a Foreign Language Teacher. Proceedings of an international conference ‘Educational technologies in higher education: experiences, problems, possibilities.’ Saint Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers. Saint Petersburg 2008. Part 2. pp. 7-8. (in Russian)


A. Sokol, Vizental A. (2006) The Thinking Approach to Teaching Foreign Languages. Proceedings of the international symposium „Research and Education in the Innovative Era”, Arad 2006, pp 315-324, ISBN (10) 973-752-107-2


* A.Sokol, E.Lasevich, J.Sokol (2002). A View on the Point of View. The proceedings of the international conference ‘TRIZ-Future”, Strasbourg, ENSAIS, 2002. Republished in Humanising Language Teaching, Year 9; Issue 5; September 2007, ISSN 1755-9715, available from http://www.hltmag.co.uk/sep07/sart08.htm (8 pages).


N.Khomenko, A.Sokol (2000). New Models and Methodology for Teaching OTSM-TRIZ. Published in: TRIZCON2000, the proceedings of the Altshuller Institute Conference, March 2000, Nashua, New Hampshire, USA. (7 pages).


* A. Sokol (2008). Development of Inventive Thinking in Foreign Language Education. Unpiblished PhD Thesis. University of Latvia and University of Louis Pasteur. 240 pages.


A. Sokol (2008).  Yes-No Games in a Foreign Language Classroom.

A four-page long popular article on the use of Yes-No Games in a foreign language classroom. Published: mELTing Pot March 2008. A Newsletter of the Hungarian Association of Teachers of English. 4.


A.Sokol, E.Lasevich, J.Sokol. (2004). Puzzland. Humanising Language Teaching Magazine. Available from: http://www.hltmag.co.uk/may07/less05.htm (2 pages).


Категория: Творчество друзей | Добавил: kozyreva | Теги: thinking-approach method, Школа Сколково, инновационная школа, Концепция СОЗИДАТЕЛЬ, публикации по ТРИЗ, A.Sokol, ТРИЗ
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