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World permanent exhibition - museum of toys – inventions
23.05.2009, 12:07
World permanent exhibition - museum of toys – inventions
                                  Provisional structure of the Exhibition
                                !! all the text you may download by top-file!!

We propose the following structure of an exposition of the exhibition. The exposition can consist of the following sections:

  1. Thematic halls
  2.  Hall of "Inventing Computers”
  3.  Library of Games
  4.  Hall of Fairy Tales
  5.  Creative Workshop
  6.  Hall of the beginning inventors                                                                                                                                                   Advancing on different halls, in each of them the child and adult not only think out new idea, but also MAKE the further steps on it realization:  check on originality and novelty, receive "the creative patent ", "issue" a fairy tale and make a breadboard model of a toy, conclude "the author's contract ". Thus we acquaint the beginning inventor with that way, which he will have to pass on a road to his Worthy Purpose. The child will get acquainted to people, which will be useful for him to realize his ideas – patent-engineers, publishers, foreman, and economists. And it is very important, that on each step he should receive psychological "reinforcement" both with material subjects ("patents", "issued" fairy tale, breadboard model of his idea, "his stand"), and with a positive emotional charge. We hope, that visiting of such Exhibition can become a present for a child and his parents by "Meeting with a Miracle" and promote formation of own creative strategy of life.

The Work of an Inventor is:

• to create new ideas

• to check originality and novelty of the ideas

• to get the "creative patent”

• to make a breadboard model of a toy

• to complete the "author’s contract.”

• to manufacturing of new toys.”


Thematic halls: on different kinds of games and toys; on effects lying in the basis of their action; halls of the firms-manufacturers of the patented toys. In these halls Altshuller’s Inventive Principles and Standards, 9-Windows, laws of technical system evolution can be trained to. A guide should be an expert on TRIZ. Students of TRIZ schools, students of engineering and pedagogical high schools can work there. A guide should obtain that the students will think up an idea of a new toy, using Altshuller’s Inventive Principles

Hall 1.1 Different toys - by kinds

Exhibits: kaleidoscopes, "Bob of toy”, "Yo-Yo”, board games, puzzle, meccano sets, and other.

Each kind of toys is necessary to be situated in a separate hall (kaleidoscopes, "Bob of toy”, "Yo-Yo”, board games, puzzle, designers and other). The plenty of toys of one kind allows taking off people’s psychological barriers. Having shown the child, for example, 30-40 "Bob of toy”, 50-60 various kaleidoscopes, it is possible to induce him to ideas: "Everything, that there is - only small part possible"; "That there is, not necessarily best of possible"; "You too CAN think up a new toy!»

Carrying out of employment on typical receptions of elimination of contradictions, laws of development of systems is possible by the example of separate types of toys.

Hall of 1.2 Toys with various effects

Exhibits: a toys had "Magnetic effects", "Water effects", "Acoustic effects", "Optical effects",

"Electromagnetic effects", "Geometrical effects", other effects.

It is necessary to assemble in various thematic halls such toys, in which the identical effects are used. In analyzed patents database we found toys. 

Hall 1.3 Firm sections

Exhibits: the Patented toys of firms

Russian, France,  Italy,  Germany,  UK,  Sweden, Denmark, NLD,  USA,  Japan, etc.

Firm to section of the patented toys give firms an opportunity "to brag" in the creative potential on prestigious - unique in the world, a unique exhibition only the patented toys (that means - a world level of novelty and originality).  Due to participation of leading firms we can collect a part of exhibits for carrying out of training employment (you may read about it more in detail in section "Financing").

2. Hall of "Inventing Computers”

2.1. Express-patent searching.

Each toy, invented by visitors, can be at the time checked up on express-patent searching in this hall. While going through several sections of toys, the child with the help of a guide, prompting the further possible development of seen toys, undoubtedly will offer if only one idea of the own invention – a new toy. Special computer programs with help to check up, as far as this idea is new and is original. Other programs can help the child to see new opportunities of development of his idea (for example, "TechOptimiser”). 

2.2. "Creative patent"

Visiting of exhibition will necessarily give a child appreciable "material" effect ("the anchor”). It can be original "Creative patent"- description of the idea, offered by the child, and its variants, colorfully made out on the firm form.

3. Library of Games

The hall is constructed as original "library". It is possible to receive on some hours any game there, available at the exhibition, or toy and to play in the hall with the friends  (games of the invention from a collection of the Exhibition are used only!).                         !! all text you may download by top-file!!

5. Creative Workshop « The young inventor »

The idea should be embodied during a life – and through manufacturing of a breadboard model, and further – through patenting and sale of the license for manufacture.

5.1. Manufacturing a breadboard model, a pre-production model of idea

. The Foremen - inventors work here (and students-engineering), there are different machine tools, adaptations, materials at hand. With the help of the Foremen child can at once make a breadboard model of invented toy and to take away it home (and other copy of a toy remains at the exhibition).

5.2. Patenting, marketing, venture financing

And it is possible to sign a contract with the Exhibition and « The young inventor ». Or it can be about realization of marketing researches of different idea direction, drawing up a business - plan, patenting the invention, manufacturing of a toy or sale of the license. Just such projects are mostly promoted by venture capital. Students of engineering and economic high schools, managers of innovation funds can also work there in this hall.

And « The young inventor » may be, for example, to sign a contract with the Exhibition about manufacturing of several copies of new toys with the information on the author, using them for gifts on competitions or for the charitable purposes.

5.3. Small-scale manufacture.

5.3.1. Manufacturing exhibits for the Exhibition – both for halls, and for sale is possible as souvenirs.

The matter is that products under the patent to which more than 20 years, can be made without the conclusion of the license contract.

And we at an exhibition will have big number of toys since 1900-1980 of patenting, thus they represent the big historical value and are suitable for educational programs.

Here can pass repair of the broken exhibits which certainly is necessary for providing.

5.3.2. Probably fine (or business lot) manufacturing of the toys which have been thought up by visitors of the Exhibition (under the contract with the author of item 5.2.) – both for wide realization, and for sale at the Exhibition as souvenirs: it was thought up by our children!

Presence in Creative Workshop of small-scale manufacture of exhibits

- Will facilitate manufacturing breadboard models of the thought up toys (due to presence of a plenty of the various materials, ready details, adaptations, machine tools and tools).

- Will allow receiving to the Exhibition the additional income due to manufacturing and sales of souvenirs.


6. Hall of the beginning inventors

Hall of the beginning inventors. The separate stand with photo of each author of new toy idea and breadboard model of a toy is carried out there. It will be important for the child to see new toys, thought up by him on his stand there. It is possible to carry out  this hall the international competitions on TRIZ for children, for example, "Ikariada".


For what the Exhibition is necessary, for example, for a City?   As the centers for mass family rest in the World the Disneyland and Aqua parks traditionally are considered, it is not so new.

«The exhibition of toys - inventions» is a new, original center for mass rest of children and their parents.

The basic idea of the Exhibition: to collect in one place ALL toys - inventions ever thought up by people (their models) - from the beginning of 20 centuries, and to continue to fill up constantly an exposition with new inventions in this area. Such Exhibition while is not present anywhere in the world - there are only separate expositions by different kinds of toys, and not always inventions.

For what the Exhibition it is necessary for city?

1. Attractive, unique object for tourism and rest (local residents, tourists):

Toys are interesting both to children and adults. As any unique exposition (unique in the world), the Exhibition draws to itself attention.

2. Connection of family rest and training:

On the basis of the Exhibition to create the Center for development of creative abilities and skills of realization of ideas of visitors. Training will be carried out in the game form, by the example of toys - inventions.

3.  Increase of an educational level of students of local HIGH SCHOOLS, maintenance of employment:

Spend training visitors students and teachers of local universities (teachers, engineers, economists) can.

4. Development of innovative activity of the population

The organization creative workshops on manufacturing the toys thought up by visitors. The organization of manufacture by small series of the toys participating in an exposition, for sale to visitors as souvenirs (inventions which over 20 years, it is possible to manufacturing without the conclusion of contracts with owners of the patent’s rights).

5. Development of an infrastructure for maintenance of small business:

The organization of the marketing center, in practice of manufacture training to questions and selling for the toys thought up by visitors.

The organization ventures firms.

6. Development of the international cultural potential of city:

Carrying out of cultural actions on expansion of friendly contacts - inviting children and adults from all worlds on rest, training, and participation in creative competitions.

7. PR for city and Administrations.

Activity of such exhibition - a source of interesting PR-occasions.


Other incomes

А) Sale of toys of souvenirs is there can be completely not small part of incomes.

Б) The exhibition can begin - to teach the methodical center teachers TRIZ- techniques of training (to 40 Altshuller’s Inventive Principles and Standards, 9-Windows, laws of technical system evolution, in a hall of fairy tales  it is possible to sent  various techniques of development of creative imagination).

Naturally, all training seminars - paid for trainees. "Students" as practice should to work at an exhibition guides till some days - for fastening techniques of teaching.

В) Whether different departments of the Exhibition (the hall of inventing computers, Workshop) can to render « paid services » on patent search, manufacturing of pre-production models, marketing and ect. Not only for children, visitors, but also for « extraneous people »? It is quite real. And too will not be superfluous to article of incomes of "Exhibition".

В) Sale of any souvenirs with symbolic of the Exhibition.

In summary

If we try to make provisional "the formula of the invention" for our project, it can look as

"The Exhibition of toys, that distinguishes with filling:

1. It contains ONLY toys-invention

2. It contains ALL ever-patented toys-inventions

3. It is situated in a place of mass rest of children and adults

4. The toys are used for training to elements TRIZ

5. It gives possibility to train to skills of practical realization of the ideas”.

* * *

What you may read by the topic:

 Capabilities of training adult and children to elements of TRIZ in places of mass rest

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-9, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-1-0-86

 Kozyreva N. The Project: World permanent exhibition - museum of toys – inventions

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-9, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-1-0-93

Kozyreva N. The presentation for: World permanent exhibition - museum of toys – inventions

Kozyreva N.  Training technique of  TRIZ elements with the help of a toy "Bob of toy" (Webbles)

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-9, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-1-0-85

Kozyreva N.  PREZENTATION: Training technique of  TRIZ elements with the help of a toy "Bob of toy" (Webbles)

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-10, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/35-1-0-95

Kozyreva N. The Webbles  teaches ... to invent!  Or  How to develop one’s creativity

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-9, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-1-0-88

Kozyreva N. The presentation computer game «Teach the tilting dolls to bow»

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-10, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/35-1-0-96


Kozyreva N. The Technique of training of creative thinking by the board games with fairy tales  "Teremok"

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-9, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-1-0-89

Kozyreva N. About games "Teremok”: TRIZ-tools for develop thinking skills, imagination, speech for children aged 3 to 7 years

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-10, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-1-0-98

Economical strategic board game   «I Chose Success!»

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-9, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-1-0-90


Категория: Kozyreva- reports and articles | Добавил: kozyreva | Теги: Toys, Kozyreva, kids thinking, training of creativity, TRIZ, imagination, Museum, inventor, Creative
Просмотров: 1476 | Загрузок: 44 | Комментарии: 2
Всего комментариев: 1
1 kozyreva • 11:02, 14.03.2010
Peter, casino is very much area for bussines but very small possibilities for development of children. I am engaged in game technologies of development of children.
Therefore I can not express any opinions valuable to you in your area. Good luck!
Nelly Kozyreva
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