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Главная » Файлы » My articles by English » Kozyreva- reports and articles

The Webbles teaches ... to invent! How to develop one’s creativity
23.05.2009, 10:16

creative tasks, Teaching TRIZ, 40 TRIZ principals, Webbles


The Webbles  teaches ... to invent! Or  

How to develop one’s creativity

We play and invent!

What for? Mental experiment

Going through a matter with a fine comb...

What for? Experiment "with people”

We split up, we crush ... What do we get?

                    Some details for curious people

                   We create New world!

                   More complicated creative tasks



The Webbles + Russian nest doll = ?!


Spiral gives new ideas!

Let it move and change!

Viva mechanics plus physics!

To fill with water and air and fly up!

We change the colour?!

Curving and concentrating...

Do not rest on your  laurels!

We go on travelling, or tasks for restless thinkers!

You are invited to an exhibition!

Testing durability...

The author’s afterword

The TRIZ-principle № 1  "Segmentation”

(see The TRIZ-principle № 13  "Inversia” http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-2-0)

We make segmentation... What do we get?

The best way to suggest a good idea is to have many ideas.

Linus Poling, a physicist, a Nobelist

How to apply the principle of "Segmentation” to the invention of a new Webbles? When designing a toy using  the principle of "Segmentation” one can try to make it:

a)       consisting of new parts (which are unseparable)

b)       easy to dissassemble to separate parts

c)       segment these parts into smaller ones...


Remember that the structure chart of an "ordinary” solid Webbles looks like that: Head – Body-Arms-Base- Freight.

When looking through the listed below inventions mark those parts of the toy on the structure chart (for example with hachure lines) to which the inventors have already applied the principle of "Segmentation”. Those parts of the toy that won’t be marked are waiting for you to apply your creative power! And may be owing to your creative efforts new elements will appear on the structure chart of the Webbles?

So, altering the toy using the principle of "Segmentation” one can try to make the Webbles easy to dissassemble to separate parts and split up these parts into smaller ones... And what parts do the inventors dissassemble the Webbles to?


USA № 2458306, 1949г.                                  Germany  № OS 3543969, 1986г.

 !!! All text (and picteres) you may download by top-file !!!
      In 1949 USA patent No 2458306 was granted for a Webbles which head is removable and is put on the axis. And one can form the body from different elements – like in an ordinary building constructor. 
     The similar solution is used in the FDR application No OS 3543969. But in this case the component parts of the body are not placed on the base at random, they are strung on the axis. And there comes an additional property of the toy – an original pyramid. And one can also change "the head” – to a bear’s one or ...

Singling out the freight as an independent element is one more way of applying of the "Segmentation” principle, as the oldest Bobs of Toy just had heavier bases. And modern inventors haven’t only singled the freight out of the base. They fasten the freight either to the body or to the head, or let it at all move freely.



Germany № 666034, 1938г.                                            GB  № 480564, 1938г.

At the same time in 1938 there appeared the Germany patent No 666034 and the Great Britain patent No 480564. They really look alike, aren’t they? From the first glance it’s difficult to tell the difference between these inventions. And actually in each of them the freight rocks on the shaft, changing the toy’s centre of gravity. But the Englishnem made the shaft elastic (rubber), so in ther invention the freight can "jump” vertically, above the base. Besides the structure of fastening the freight to the elastic shaft lets the freight slip in, move along the shaft.

In these inventions the body is also a seperate part of the toy, and the Webbles can even pompously nod its head!



   USSR № 1140812           USSR 1279647                            USSR № 1140811


The inventors in the USSR patent No 1140812 and 1279647 changed the ways of fastening the freight to the base, the extent of its freedom. So, in the former of them the freight is fastened hard on the elastic axis. While rocking the axis bends under the weight of freight, and the toy’s centre of gravity is changed. In the latter the freight is hinged through the lever to the fixed axis. The ball rolls along the base and makes the Webbles moves in interesting ways. And the freight – ball in the USSR patent No 1140811 moves along the base absolutely freely! Though it’s freedom is limitted by the fixed freight – plate.

Creative task No 5

Apply principle 1a and try to segment Webble to the parts its hasn’t been ever segmented to...

Make a picture or a scheme of technical decision to your every variant of answer

 (on the right page of "My inventions” notebook)

Let’s see how to increase the degree of segmentation of our object – the toy.



USSR № 1417905          USA № 2499743
 1988г.                                       1950г.

S. Gontar got the USSR patent No 1417905, "having segmented” the freight into two parts – the balls are connected with the thread through the hole in the plate. The dimensions of the hole don’t let the balls to "jump out”, while the toy rocks the balls move irrespective of each other – till the length of the thread and hole’s edge let. As soon as one of the balls presses to the plate the thread "pulls” the other ball and again the toy starts moving differently.

And an inventor from the USA in 1950 decided just to let many different-sized freight – balls move freely round uneven main freight fixed to the bottom of the toy, and so he got patent No 2499743.

And the first who made the Webbles easy to dissassemble and at once increased the extent of segmentation was the inventor in the USSR patent No 1819394 in 1989:

This is not a single toy, but a whole constructor: everything is "segmented” into elements: body (into a cone, a set of rings and circles, a cap), axis (a set of solid upright axis, elastic and spiral axes is available), freight (removable parts of the body – rings, circles, balls, a cone -  come out as a freight). And using this whole set of "spare parts” you can assemble various toys: suspensions for a pram, rattles, a pyramid, bilboquet (cup and ball), a set for games in sand, Yo-Yo, and, of course, the Webbles. Besides, the set lets diversify the "appearance” and movements of the Webbles, as it’s assembled from different parts.


Creative task No 6

Apply principle 1b and try to "disassemble” the Webbles to such kind of parts from which it’ll be possible toassemble something interesting...

Make a picture or a scheme of technical decision to your every variant of answer

 (on the right page of "My inventions” notebook)


Creative task No 7

Apply TRIZ-principle 1c and try to increase the degree of segmentation of the Webbles or any of its component parts...

Make a picture or a scheme of technical decision to your every variant of answer

 (on the right page of "My inventions” notebook)
!!! All text (and picteres) you may download by top-file !!!

The article public on:





 What you may read by the topic:


Kozyreva N.  Training technique of  TRIZ elements with the help of a toy "Bob of toy" (Webbles)

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-9, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-1-0-85


Kozyreva N.  PREZENTATION: Training technique of  TRIZ elements with the help of a toy "Bob of toy" (Webbles)

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-10, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/35-1-0-95


Kozyreva N. The presentation computer game «Teach the tilting dolls to bow»

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-10, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/35-1-0-96



Kozyreva N. The Project: World permanent exhibition - museum of toys – inventions

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-9, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/36-1-0-93


Kozyreva N. The presentation for: World permanent exhibition - museum of toys – inventions

http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/0-10, http://kozyreva.ucoz.ru/load/35-1-0-97

Категория: Kozyreva- reports and articles | Добавил: kozyreva | Теги: Creative, imagination, TRIZ, training of creativity, Webbles, TRIZ games for children, Kozyreva, creative tasks, 40 TRIZ-principals, toys-inventions
Просмотров: 1584 | Загрузок: 39
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