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TRIZ for people: psychological aspects
23.05.2009, 09:14


TRIZ, 9-Windows, NLP, Re-framing

TRIZ allows to formalize, describe and solve the technical problems from different branchesusing one system notion /lit1/.

Neuro-Lingvistic Programming (NLP) - humanitarian technology, which problem are decision  the problems of the personality, formalization successful creative experience for learning people  to it / lit2/. The Language of NLP in united system of terms describes the different processes, occurring in such area, as marketing, management, psychology, pedagogics, etc. This allows to carry and use the achievements from one discipline and processes to others. The Descriptions on NLP language change in a system of algorithms and acceptances i.e. in NLP-technology.


But can we compare these two formalized languages to use the achievements of NLP in the field of decisions personal, interpersonal problems and organization - for TRIZ specialist, and achievements TRIZ - for NLP?

The report contains the analysis and some possibilities of the join the TRIZ- tools and NLP- tools  for increasing the personal success of TRIZ-specialist and firms, in which they work.

1.       The Analogies between tools: TRIZ and NLP

Theory... this metaphore, costing between model and data. Understanding in science is a sensation resemblance between  intricate data and familiar model...

Julian Jaynes,  by R.Dilts "Skills for the Futute"
1.1.   The model of the world

By NLP: Creativity is an unceasing process of the constant increase of flexibility and expansions the "maps of the world", by which we live. It has significant importance for successful adapting of a person, therefore that we live - work, interact with the other people - in ambience, teeming of uncertainty and change. For the successful adaptation  is exceedingly significant to know how to occupy the different positions of the perception to realities.  In NLP becomes firmly established that if you are capable to enrich or increase your "map of the world" then in the same reality you see more alternatives. That people, which them to see the most great ensemble of the prospects and possibilities of the choice.

The Processes, promoting development and creative increasing is a representation anything by means of metaphores, symbol, drawing. The Different types of representations differently place the accents in problem space, attach significance different factors and their interrelationships.

By TRIZ: The analogue of the notion "map of the world" in TRIZ is 9-Windows (analyze Super-systems, CO-systems, ANTI-systems). Different forms of representations are used broadly. The drawings  is use at  "an Operation Zone, at the "little man” method; Symbols is use at "Substance-Field Analysis, X-element, Ideal Final Result; diagrams is use at a laws of the System evolution;  metaphores is use at a defining the contradiction, are broadly used in TRIZ-method of the creative imagination development.


The Conclusion: TRIZ-specialist possesses the sufficient an creative ability to raise its success in vague, variant ambience.  How to use their own "technically directed" creative TRIZ-skills for improvement of the own life? The Methodses for this is designed in NLP /lit2 - lit5/.


1.2.   "Re-framing"

NLP-method  "re-framing" (R. Dilts,1990) is called to help the people to change the look at tight situations and consider their not as problems, but as the possibility given by life, and to focus  attention on desired result / lit3/. "Re-framing" allows the person to recognize limiting his beliefs to be more shifty in their own reaction, in transformation of the negative beliefs. With psychological standpoint to produce re-framing means to convert the sense of anything, having placed "THIS in new frame or context, different from source, having increased thereby our perception to this situations.


Analysing linguistical structure of the beliefs, R.Dilts has installed that limiting beliefs place our experience in a frame "problems", "mistakes" or "impossibility".  If a person builds the map of the world on the base of such beliefs then beside it can appear the feeling of hopelessness, helplessnesses or uselessnesses to life as a whole or to some os his actions. So, people, for which became accustomed constantly to neglect the positive side of its experience, often use the limiting word "but", creating in their internal map  frame "problems" and "impossibility".


"Re-framing"   allows to interpret otherwise that or other problems and find the new decisions.  This occurs by of the changing frames, in which these problems are perceived, by dint of the premises the limiting beliefs in more positive frame. The Main function of the "re-framing"-methods is to teach people to realized switch attention

1. from the frame of the problem to the frame "result"

2. from the frame of the mistake to the frame "feedback"

3. from the frame of impossibility to the frame "as if".


We have found the analogies TRIZ-tools in 12 (!) events from 14 principals  of re-framing by R.Dilts (see figure 1).  Specified on figure 1 TRIZ-tools develop skills of the thinking, necessary for effective application "re-framing".

figure 1

all text  download - in top-file



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TRIZ for people: psychological aspects




Psychological Aspects http://unjobs.org/tags/psychological-aspects


Graham Rawlinson. Tornadoes and TRIZ



Toru Nakagawa. Personal Report of ETRIA World Conference: TRIZ Future 2003 



Категория: Kozyreva- reports and articles | Добавил: kozyreva | Теги: NLP, TRIZ, 40 principals TRIZ, Re-framing, Kozyreva, 9-Windows
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